Sunday, April 27, 2008

OK Katie...I Shall Heed Your Tag

I don't normally do these things but... why not.  

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Emma
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. Ocean's 11
4. Serendipity

Four Jobs I've Had:
1.  A Nanny
2. VCE
3. Molly Maid
4.  Diamond Moments

Four Places I've Lived:
1. BayShore NY
2. Midlothian, VA
3. Rexburg, ID
4. Richmond, VA

Four of My Favorite Dishes/Food:
1. Chicken Parmesan
2. Cheese especially lovin the goat cheese right now
3. Sushi
4. Chipotle Salads seem to be a craving as of late

Four TV Show's I Love:
1. The Hill's
2. Lost
3. The Office
4. American Idol

Four Sites I Visit Daily:
1. Gmail
3. Google
4. Facebook

Four Places I Have Vacationed:
1.  Las Vegas, NV 
2. Disney World (Orlando FL)
3. Lake George, NY
4. Nashville, TN

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1. In my bed... I guess  I could be there if I wasn't too lazy to walk up the stairs
2. Laying on a beach in Hawaii
3. Italy
4. With a cute boy

Four Bloggers I am Tagging:
1. Claire
2. Natalie
3. Ryan
4. Koni


Tropicanna said...

I did not know about two of your jobs...being a nanny and diamond moments. What is diamond moments??

natj said...

so when you say 'Natalie', are you referring to me?... ha. I'm behind on my blogging but I will definetly fit this in.

Marisa said...

yes... you... go

Marisa said...

i was a nanny for a 2 year old right after graduating from ricks college. diamond moments... was the parent store of the kiosk i worked at in the mall one christmas